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Products & Services » Total Package Solutions

Our Total Package Solution

At Atlantic, we pride ourselves on being packaging experts and understanding what’s important to our customers. We’re focused on delivering a total package solution that goes beyond cardboard boxes, and provides customers with the products and services they need from their packaging supplier.

Our vertical integration model allows us to oversee every aspect of product development, from sourcing quality recycling material, to manufacturing, to supply and inventory management and logistics. It’s an advantage not many packaging companies offer, and one our customers’ value.

corrgroupCorrugated Packaging

Whether you need a standard cardboard box, a custom die-cut design, an innovative retail display or sales driving retail-ready packaging, we take the time to make sure the packaging we provide meets our customers’ performance objectives.  Learn more about corrugated performance packaging.


Paper Bag Products

Atlantic’s paper bag division manufactures Kraft and White paper bags in a variety of formats and grades. Whether you need it for Food Service or Take-Away operations, Atlantic has you covered with a wide range of products to offer. Learn more about Atlantic’s paper bag products.


Retail Packaging & Displays

A natural extension of our corrugated products, Retail Packaging & Displays is a division of Atlantic with expertise in designing and manufacturing point–of-purchase displays, as well as retail-ready and decorative packaging solutions. Co-packaging and logistics are also provided among the services.  Take a closer look at what our Retail Packaging & Displays division can do for you.



Atlantic’s pre-print division specializes in high volume runs and provides customers with expertise in design, layout, print and manufacturing. See what our Pre-Print division is capable of.



Supply and Inventory Management

From product sourcing to just-in-time inventory management services, Atlantic’s Supply & Inventory Management division is a true one-stop shop.  Find out about the value of Atlantic’s Supply and Inventory Management division.




Our recycling team provides free consultations and can arrange pick-up programs for any corrugated recycling needs.  Learn more about Atlantic’s recycling services.



linerrolls100 % Recycled Paper Mills

Atlantic’s paper mills produce 100% recycled kraft linerboard and medium paper products.   Find out more about Atlantic’s recycled mills.


Ready to get started?  Get in touch with us today.
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